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The Museum Selma is being built on around 10.000 square metres in Hall 70, an old industrial hall on the former KHD plant in Cologne-Kalk, the so-called Hallen Kalk. An architectural tender process is currently underway.


The unique national collection on the history of migration in Germany, which forms the basis of Museum Selma, comprises over 150,000 contemporary artefacts.


19 employees (salaried and freelance) currently work at the DOMiD office in Cologne.

44.26 million

This sum in euros was included in the budgets of the federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as investment funds for the Museum Selma (then with the working title ‘House of the Immigration Society’).


According to the current schedule, this is the year Museum Selma will open, subject to external factors.

Press information Museum Selma

Funded by the federal government, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Cologne, the migration museum Museum Selma will be built in Cologne over the next few years on behalf of DOMiD. It will show how migration has inscribed itself in German history and how it shapes our society today. As a cultural and meeting centre, the museum will also provide a space to discuss key issues relating to identity, coexistence and participation.

The German Bundestag and the NRW state parliament have each included €22.13 million in their budgets for the investment costs. The non-profit organisation DOMiD gGmbH was founded in 2021 to run the centre. The project was anchored in the German government's National Action Plan for Integration in order to ‘recognise Germany's cultural wealth, which is also due to immigrants’. The centre is being built in the Kalk district of Cologne on the site of the former KHD works (‘Hallen Kalk’, or Hall 70 to be precise) in a disused industrial hall.

Press information DOMiD

The Documentation Centre and Museum on Migration in Germany (DOMiD) is a non-profit association founded by migrants in 1990. DOMiD is home to Germany's largest collection of objects and documents documenting the diverse history of migration in Germany. The ongoing collection emerged from civil society and currently comprises more than 150,000 social, cultural and everyday historical artefacts.

With its exhibitions, publications and events, DOMiD is one of the pioneers in the museumisation of migration and the communication of migration history. The organisation stands for a multi-perspective view of history and is committed to an inclusive culture of remembrance.

The DOMiD office in Cologne currently has 19 employees (salaried and freelance). The organisation is politically independent and ideologically neutral. DOMiD is institutionally funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the city of Cologne.

Press Releases

Press photos

Here you can find photos of the old industrial hall in which the Museum Selma is being built.

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Timo Glatz

Head of Marketing & Communications and Media spokesman +49 221 29494484