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Facts and figures


Museum Selma is being built on around 10,000 square metres in Hall 70, an old industrial hall on the former KHD plant in Cologne-Kalk, the so-called Hallen Kalk. An architectural tendering process is currently underway [Milestones link].


The unique national collection on the history of migration in Germany, which forms the basis of Museum Selma, comprises over 150,000 contemporary artefacts.


19 employees (salaried and freelance) currently work at the DOMiD office in Cologne.

I would like to take part. How does that work?

Are you interested in the work of DOMiD and would like to support us on a voluntary basis?Could you imagine becoming a lender to the collection with your personal story? Would you like to make suggestions, help shape the collection and contribute ideas? Please get in touch with us.

How can I support Museum Selma?

We would be delighted if you would like to support our work. We have been working on the vision of a migration museum for a long time, but the Museum Selma is just getting started - so you can help us a lot if you tell your friends, family, colleagues, neighbours and whoever else you like about the Museum Selma.

If you want to stay informed about the next steps at Museum Selma, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Instagram.

If you like, you can also donate to the Museum Selma.

Any questions?

This page is under construction and will regularly contain new updates about the Museum Selma. So feel free to drop by again. If you have any further questions that are not answered here, please write to us at