Please support the construction of Museum Selma with a permanent donation.
- The contribution of migrants to our society was and is often not recognised enough. To change this, people from different cultures came together in 1990. The bold dream: we want to tell a polyphonic history of Germany in a migration museum.
- In the meantime, we have collected over 150,000 contemporary testimonies that researchers and media professionals can use to discover and tell previously unknown stories - according to scientific standards.
- The Museum Selma will be a place where people come together to understand each other better. So that the gap that divides our society becomes a little bit smaller.
Donations are tax-deductible. A permanent donation can be cancelled informally at any time - just send us an email.
Thank you for your donation.
Your major donation for a major topic
With your donation, you are directly helping to create Museum Selma. Funds are currently needed for
- Digitisation
- Raising awareness
- educational programmes
- and participatory measures to involve many population groups.
The basic funding for the museum is in place: the City of Cologne provides the building and land under a heritable building right agreement, while the federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia are funding the construction of the museum.
Can you imagine supporting the Museum Selma with a large donation or as a sponsor? Please get in touch with us.
Donation account (SEPA)
Donation account for bank transfers (SEPA)
GLS Bank Bochum
We are recognised as a non-profit organisation and are happy to issue a donation receipt. Simply send us the address by email. Thank you!