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A unique cultural area is being created

Museum Selma
Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma.

Museum Selma in Hall 70 is a cultural venue that does not yet exist in Germany. We are retelling the history of migration in this country - and thus its yesterday, today and tomorrow. Over the next few years, a place of encounter and exchange will be created on the more than 10,000 square metres of this former industrial hall. Museum Selma will open in 2029.

Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma.

The Pflanzstelle is a self-organised, public community garden. Dedicated volunteers grow organic vegetables and herbs in raised beds. In addition to gardening, the Pflanzstelle sees itself as a social and political space where workshops and events on ecological and social issues take place.

Halle 71
Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma.

A feasibility study has developed possible uses for the neighbouring hall of Museum Selma: most of the roof will be opened up and a forecourt will be created, which will also function as the entrance area to Museum Selma. There will also be green spaces and other leisure uses. The City of Cologne is currently examining the realisation.

Kunsthaus Kalk
Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma.

Kunsthaus Kalk is a new, inclusive project of the established artistic initiatives X-SÜD and KAT18. Artists with and without disabilities will work together here. A production centre with studios and workshops as well as an academy is to be created in Halle 60 as a new inclusive educational venue.

CCCC - Kreationszentrum Zeitgenössischer Zirkus
Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma.

The Contemporary Circus Creation Centre - CCCC offers a space for movement art in Hall 63. Here, the limits of circus techniques are explored as a form of expression. The result is a mix of artistry, training, circus education and participation - using the unusual and unique means of contemporary circus.

Kulturhof Kalk

Kulturhof Kalk aims to offer citizens a self-managed place where there is room for neighbourhood open spaces, low-threshold cultural offerings and easily accessible workspaces for people working in social and cultural fields. There is space for concerts and events both in Halle 66 and on a large open space.

Abenteuerhallen Kalk
Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma.

The Abenteuerhallen Kalk - AHK is an open children's and youth work centre with a focus on urban youth and movement cultures: climbing, skating, trials, BMX, mountain biking and artistry. Spread over two halls and an outdoor area, the AHK is a place for many children and young people from the region to exchange ideas and try things out. 

Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma. Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma. Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma. Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma. Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma. test Das Bild zeigt eine 3D-Visualisierung des Areal "Hallen Kalk" in Köln. Dort entsteht das Museum Selma.


Logo des Museums Selma

The museum has a name: Museum Selma.

— The wait is finally over! The national migration museum has been named: Museum Selma. This marks the grand opening of this unique cultural institution, and the name itself offers a glimpse into the museum's identity and future vision.

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Eine Hand hält ein Smartphone, das den Startbildschirm der Museum Selma Webseite zeigt.

The Museum Selma is launching its new website.

— A further step towards reality: Alongside the announcement of the museum’s name, this website goes online, introducing the Museum Selma to the public for the first time. It will continue to grow in the coming years.

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Zu sehen ist Text auf ecjigen schwarzen Blöcken auf weißem Hintergrund. Auf dem einen Block steht: "Sie kommt, um zu bleiben", auf dem anderen ist das Logo von Museum Selma zu sehen.

Seen it yet? The Museum Selma is coming to town for the first time.

— Have you spotted it yet? Those paying close attention in October might have already seen the very first campaign introducing the Museum Selma to its future home city of Cologne.

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Zu sehen sind in einem historischen Fotos aus den frühen 1990er Jahren mehrere Personen, die an einem Tisch sitzen. Auf dem Foto sind v.l.n.r. Sevtap Sezer, Aytaç Eryılmaz, Muhittin Demiray, Ahmet Sezer und Gönül Göhler zu sehen.

Founding of the association

Migrants from Turkey found the DOMiT e.V. association in Essen.
Their mission: to preserve the cultural heritage of migrants from Turkey in Germany. Their vision: a migration museum.

Zu sehen ist ein Raum aus der Ausstellung "Fremde Heimat" aus dem Jahr 1998 in Essen.

Exhibition ‘Foreign home’

For the first time, an exhibition is prominently dedicated to German migration history. The migrant self-organisation DOMiT is developing this exhibition on an equal footing with the curators of the Ruhrland Museum (now the Ruhr Museum).

Zu sehen sind 2 Personen in einem Ausstellungsraum der Ausstellung "Projekt Migration" aus dem Jahre 2005 in Köln. Im Hintergrund ist eine Wand mit LPs zu sehen.

Project Migration

As the first project of the newly created Federal Cultural Foundation, the interdisciplinary exhibition Project Migration sets new standards. DOMiT opens up the collection to all regions of origin and migration motifs.

Zu sehen ist eine frühe Visualisierung, wie ein Raum im Migrationsmuseum aussehen könnte. Es stammt aus einer Machbarkeitsstudie, die 2016 durchgeführt wurde.

Feasibility study

The association is now called DOMiD and is pursuing the goal of a migration museum. A feasibility study is working on various realisation options.

Zu sehen ist ein Luftbild der "Hallen Kalk" im rechtsrheinischen Köln.

Position: Cologne

At the request of the Integration Council, the Cologne City Council votes in favour of locating the nationwide migration museum in Cologne. One year later, the ‘Hallen Kalk’ location is finalised.

Zu sehen ist ein 3D-Rendering, wie das spätere Museum aussehen könnte. 2024/25 läuft jedoch ein Architekturwettbewerb, der neue Entwürfe erarbeitet.

The federal and state governments want the museum

The Bundestag and the NRW state parliament each allocate 22.12 million euros to the nationwide migration museum in their budgets. Working title: ‘House of the Immigration Society’ by DOMiD.

Zu sehen ist eine alte Industriehalle, in der Museum Selma entsteht.

First call for tenders and naming

DOMiD initiates a Europe-wide award procedure for architecture and exhibition design. The City of Cologne provides the land and building for 99 years under heritable building rights. A new name is also published: SELMA is born.

Eine abstrakte Form mit Bezug auf das SELMA-Logo.

The architecture.

What does SELMA look like? A planning team will be put together in the spring to develop an architectural design. The first drafts are presented to the public. The exhibition will be worked out in detail.

Eine abstrakte Form mit Bezug auf das SELMA-Logo.

Planning and authorisations

During this phase, the construction plans and exhibition plans are refined and applications are submitted. SELMA waits for approvals and pushes ahead with digitalisation.

Eine abstrakte Form mit Bezug auf das SELMA-Logo.

Construction phase

SELMA - now for real. Construction is expected to start on the ‘Hallen Kalk’ site in the next few years.

Eine abstrakte Form mit Bezug auf das SELMA-Logo.


Commissioning is planned for 2029 (subject to external factors). SELMA welcomes you to its premises!